Brain teaser

Smart break, open brainstorming, online quiz brain teaser.

Where on earth has the highest birth rate?
Which newspaper has the least circulation?
Which part of the world, whether yellow, white or black, has exactly the same color?
Which of the Golden Bell Awards, Golden Horse Awards, or Golden Statue Awards has contributed the most to the country?
Apart from credit cards and financial cards, which cards are the most important for overseas tour leaders?
According to the survey, it is found that at the same time in all parts of the country, there is a strange phenomenon that many people speak the same English.
Jasmine, sunflower, rose, which flower is the least powerful
Why do painters like to draw thick ropes rather than thin ropes?
The queen said, "It turned out that there was a younger brother who was very timid and couldn't stand the shock at all. One night, the younger brother had another nightmare. He dreamed that the samurai of the enemy country rushed into the palace and pierced his sword into his heart. The younger brother was frightened by this and died in his dream." Do you believe what she said?
What are the differences between the son of a dog and the son of a dragon?
Who has the most stable horse step in Chinese history?
Why do many students doze off in class?

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