Brain teaser

Smart break, open brainstorming, online quiz brain teaser.

"Congenital" refers to the inheritance of parents. What is "acquired?
Xiao Wang was born with great strength. He played badminton once because of his excessive strength. He didn't land until 5 minutes after the ball was played. Is it possible?
There is a horse that takes 5 steps south, 3 steps north and 10 steps west. Where does its tail end up?
When eating apples, I took a bite and found a worm, which made me feel very sick. Seeing two worms makes me feel even more disgusting. May I ask how many worms are the most disgusting?
Please think carefully, what is the biggest shadow you have seen?
Why is Alang wearing a brand new raincoat with no holes, but still getting wet?
Why are eyes higher than the sky?
Xiao Ming's stomach is about to burst. Why does he not listen to drinking water?
Xiao Li's English level is not very good, but why can she communicate smoothly with her foreign colleagues?
What do crying and laughing have in common?
A driver rushed down the mountain but did not hurt anyone. Why?
Where can a horse walk without four legs?

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